TEN is traveling again!

TEN is traveling again!

After months of travel restrictions we are crossing borders again! We explore new food developments in Scandinavia.  
The Brexit is a fact

The Brexit is a fact

Since January 1st the new regulatons of the new EU/UK partnership are valid. Support is possible throught Brexit vouchers or other SIB vouchers.
All the best for 2021

All the best for 2021

2020 has been a moving year. With borders closing, opening again and closing again. With ups and downs for everyone. We wish you all all the best and hope to see everyone healthy and well again in 2021!!
Workshop Growth Strategies

Workshop Growth Strategies

A few weeks ago we gave the workshop Growth Strategies for Kitchen Republic in Amsterdam. It was a lively, interactive session and we could share export knowledge and experiences and learn from each other. Our top 1 advice was filmed. Thanks KR and all entrepreneurs...