Inspired by nature

The Scandinavian forests appear to be an enormous source of food and inspiration for new dishes Anny Nyman, biologist and environmental educator, often strolls through the forest together with local food chef Nick Victorzon to find everything nature has to offer. With these ingredients delicious dishes are prepared and traditional recipes are being converted into trendy meals.


In Finland nature is never more than a short ride away and specially in the autumn season many treats like mushrooms, berries, wild greens or fish are within reach The northern climate, the bright summer nights, the dark and cool winter ‘kaamos’ period appear to offer perfect growth circumstances for plant and animal life. Wild plants are in line with the modern food trends: they are grown locally, offer possibilities for new business opportunities and consequently for new jobs

In Finland you can hike and pick wild plants in the forests. This has to do with the Finnish ‘everyman’s right’ allowing everybody to collect plants in the forests regardless who owns the property Not everything is allowed though, for collecting tree shoots for example you need permission from the owner. Especially mushrooms are very popular to collect, but this is a tricky business. Finland counts over 2,000 species of which only 500 are edible. Of course, hunting game is popular too, but you need a permission to do this.

Bron: Blue Wings magazine Finnair, september 2017

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