We advise food entrepreneurs with exports

TEN helps with food export

We offer advice and support to food entrepreneurs who want to export food. This includes, for example:

Our mission

We believe that sharing food knowledge and experience is the most delicious business in the world.

It is all about people, their needs and ambitions. And about food, its connection with health, sustainability and quality of life on our planet.

International questions ask for international answers. We do not believe in closing borders and building walls. But in building bridges. Between people who supply and people who demand. Nearby if possible, far away if need be.

Our passion is to create strategies for food entrepreneurs who wish to make a difference and want to contribute to a better world.

Our practical experience and up-to-date knowledge helps putting the challenges of tomorrow on today’s menu.

Latest news

How digestible is the journey of our food?

How digestible is the journey of our food?

Photographer and filmmaker Kadir van Lohuizen shows us important global food producers in the exhibition Food for Thought. The shelf life of our complex food system is up for debate. In an interview (in Dutch) with Janet Lebbink, he explains the choice of his images. Read the interview.

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Food knowledge and experience


International network


Professional & pragmatic

Latest blogs

Food start-up Bikl explores export opportunities

Food start-up Bikl explores export opportunities

Despite all the attention paid to a healthy lifestyle, with good nutrition at the top of the list, we still don't eat enough vegetables. It would help a lot if we were supported a bit more by food...

Edeka Zurheide – World of indulgence

Edeka Zurheide – World of indulgence

It is a relief to enter an Edeka-Zurheide in discount retail country Germany. The indication ‘Erlebnis-supermarkt’ makes expectations rise, but they definitely come true. Besides the usual...

About us

In 2007 Janet Lebbink and Albert Hoeksma decided to combine their years of experience in the international food world and to use them for others. ‘TEN the export network’ was founded with the aim of supporting food entrepreneurs with exports. This includes, for example, selecting the right export markets, finding reliable international partners, setting up export policies, entering the retail sector and implementing export activities.

We have worked for many years for various food companies, such as van Huijstee, Van der Meulen Masterbakers, FrieslandCampina, Honig and KraftHeinz. In this way we have gained international business experience in marketing, sales, export and international business management roles. Furthermore, we are qualified by the RVO as advisors for the SIB (Starters International Business) process. SIB Individual Coaching is a coaching process in which you as an entrepreneur gradually create your own export plan, under our guidance. The route is intended for export start-ups and completely free! More…

Are you exporting food products and looking for professional advice?

At TEN we have many years of export experience in the food world and are more than happy to give you support.

Business cases

Starting up in Germany with Brandt & Levie

Starting up in Germany with Brandt & Levie

Brandt & Levie is the story of three friends: Jiri, Geert and Samuel. Three chefs with the mission to inspire people to eat better meat. That's why they were taught by professional sausage makers...

Sunt launches banana bread at Rewe

Sunt launches banana bread at Rewe

Sunt banana bread is 'the breakfast or snack that makes you happy.' Hence the smiling logo in banana yellow. Founder Laura Hoogland has set herself the goal of saving bananas from the trash can....

Distributeur search Mexico

Distributeur search Mexico

Nomad Foods is market leader in frozen products in Western-Europe, including different iconic brands like Iglo, Birds Eye and Findus. The company wants to expand to other continents, and started in...


‘De kennis en werkwijze van Albert en Janet binnen een multinational en hun expertise om kansen internationaal te vertalen heeft bewezen toegevoegde waarde.’

Bas Boswinkel, voormalig Managing Director Heinz Benelux, Nederland

“The expertise and professionalism of TEN in customizing product solutions helped us to meet our business plans”

Husain Al-Abdullah, General Manager Hamza Mukamis, Kuwait

‘Albert and Janet are highly motivated to bring businesses to a next level by reaching their international goals.’

Sandro Zupanc, Product Manager Zweifel Pomy-Chips AG, Zwitserland

‘I enjoyed working with TEN and look forward to develop other businesses in the future.’

Sami Fahed, eigenaar Karim Trading, Libanon

‘Met een zeer gedreven en professionele werkwijze zorgt TEN voor een optimalisatieslag bij ieder bedrijf.’

Joost Kusters, General Manager Burger Logistic Services BV, Nederland

‘TEN is an outstanding international player, with the flexibility and cultural awareness required for working successfully cross borders.’

Rabin Bishesar, CEO Subisco International N.V., Suriname

’Janet en Albert konden zich met al hun kennis en ervaring echt in mijn situatie verplaatsen en gaven ook veel extra advies over het algemeen management van mijn bedrijf.’

– Let de Jong, eigenaar Let’s Salsa, Nederland

‘De heer Hoeksma en mevrouw Lebbink hebben me enorm geholpen mijn exportplan te versterken. Ik beveel hen van harte aan bij iedereen die zijn export wil verbeteren.’

Namsy de Jonge, eigenaar European Specials – Specialty Bakery Products, Nederland

 ‘Samen met TEN hebben we vele interessante workshops en trainingen georganiseerd. Door hun grote internationale ervaring brengen Albert en Janet export voor foodbedrijven echt dichtbij!’

– Jacqueline Lanting, eigenaar Food Connection Point – food consultant, Nederland

Met kritische en kundige blik hebben Albert en Janet ons begeleid in het uitdenken van de nieuwe exportstrategie, mede dankzij hun bijdrage kunnen we nu verder onderbouwde exportstappen zetten!’.

– Floor van der Steen, eigenaar Max’s Mints, Nederland

‘Wat betreft het exporttraject hebben de inspanningen van TEN zeker vruchten afgeworpen. Dit betreft zowel de interne processen, als de externe marktbewerking inclusief de voorbereidingen op de Brexit.

– Auke Snijder, QESH Manager Lekkerkerker Groep, Nederland

‘Janet en Albert zijn beiden zeer ervaren en weten met de juiste handvatten te helpen om tot een sterk exportplan te komen. We hebben ontzettend veel gehad aan ons SIB traject met hen en raden dit aan iedere starter aan!’

– Laura Hoogland, Sunt bananenbrood
